bReeze 0.4-4 (2024-02-05)
- internal functions: documentation issues fixed
- data type corrections
- comment added to outdated power curve files
integrated in the package
bReeze 0.4-3 (2018-11-14)
- clean: time interval correction added
- day.plot: missing hour bug fixed
- map.plot: Google Maps API key support added
- windprofile: class typo fixed
- example-dataset replaced with compressed version
bReeze 0.4-2 (2018-01-05)
- fix name conflict with R base method
bReeze 0.4-1 (2017-07-31)
bReeze 0.4-0 (2014-09-19)
- S3 reorganisation of all functions
- aep, availability, energy, frequency, month.stats, day.plot,
polar.plot, turb.iec.plot, profile, turbulence, weibull:
potential timezone bug fixed
- plot.weibull: parameter display error fixed
- package dependencies reduced
bReeze 0.3-2 (2014-05-08)
- availability, frequency, monthStats, plotDay, plotPolar,
plotTimeSeries, plotTurbIEC, profile, turbulence, weibull:
time stamp issue fixed
- aep, energy, frequency, turbulence: NA in output replaced by 0
(NA is not really correct and may cause plotting problems)
- formatTS: time zone support added
- messages/warnings cleaned up
bReeze 0.3-1 (2014-03-31)
- availability, frequency, monthStats, plotDay, plotPolar,
plotTurbIEC, profile, turbulence, weibull: specify data subsets
by date
- plotDay: sectoral plotting for single data sets added
- profile: alpha as single value or vector (one per sector)
- several improvements/fixes of code and documentation
bReeze 0.3-0 (2014-01-13)
- plotMap: function for simple map plotting is back,
now based on RgoogleMaps package
- uncertainty: new function for uncertainty assessment
- plotUncertainty: new function for uncertainty plots
- short name wrapper functions: bug fixed - default value
bReeze 0.2-4 (2013-12-04)
- formatTS: removed some test code left in last version
- readPC: simpler specifying of package directory files
- some background improvements/fixes
bReeze 0.2-3 (2013-09-18)
- monthStats: all available signals of the met mast can now be
used for calculations;
in addition to "mean", also "median", "min", "max" and "sd"
can be applied
- plotAvailability: faster plotting
- profile: new method loglm (log-linear model) added - now more
than two heights can be used for profile calculation
bReeze 0.2-2 (2013-06-27)
- availability: v.set and dir.set can now handle vectors of
- availability, clean, frequency, monthStats, plotAvailability,
plotDay, plotMonthStats, plotTimeSeries, plotTurbIEC,profile,
turbulence, weibull: data sets can now be specified by name
- formatTS: bug fixed - handling of duplicates
- plotPC: bug fixed - ugly axis if both coefficients are plotted;
a list of power curves can now be plotted at once
- printObject: bugs fixed - function calls incorrect in some
- readPC: power curve data base update
- new short name aliases for functions
bReeze 0.2-1 (2013-02-28)
- energy, frequency and plotProfile: bug fixed - output of
internally called function printed
- frequency, profile, turbulence, weibull: number of sectors no
longer limited to 4/8/12/16
- monthStats: bug fixed - calculation error for met masts
with just one dataset
- printObject: bug fixed - original/cleaned data displayed
wrong for met masts with just one dataset
- polar plotting functions (plotAep, plotEnergy, plotFrequency,
plotPolar, plotTurbulence): optional graphical parameters
- some small code and documentation cosmetics
bReeze 0.2-0 (2013-02-06)
- clean: wind direction values are now excluded, where wind
speed is lower than the v.avg.min specified;
bug fixed - unwanted cleanings and wrong feedback possible;
repetitions can now be cleaned
- frequency: bug fixed - wrong frequency
values possible for uncleaned mast objects
- plotDay: now all signals can be plottet
- plotMap: function removed from package due to disproportional
high installation requirements compared to the low performance
of the used OpenStreetMap package
- printMast: replaced by printObject
- printObject: new print method for all bReeze objects;
bug fixed in old printMast method, that returned wrong
availability values
- plotting functions (plotAep, plotAvailability, plotDay,
plotEnergy, plotFrequency, plotMonthStats, plotPC, plotPolar,
plotProfile, plotTimeSeries, plotTurbIEC, plotTurbulence,
plotWbDir, plotWeibull): many optional graphical parameters
- processing functions (aep, energy, frequency, monthStats,
profile, turbulence, weibull): new 'digits' argument for the
number of decimal places to be used for results; new 'print'
argument to show/hide results
- further small improvements of code and documentation;
namespace added
bReeze 0.1-1 (2012-10-29)
- aep: capacity factor added to the output
- availability: two bugs fixed - slightly wrong availability
values in some cases of missing samples; error in calculation
for sets with just one signal
- clean: wind speed limit for calculation of turbulence intensity
can now be adjusted by the user
- createPC: if rated.p is not given, rated power is now
automatically set to the maximum power value; desc argument for
name and/or description of a wind turbine added
- formatTS: available patterns cleaned up and internal handling
enhanced; possible error in pattern selection fixed
- plotTimeSeries: bug fixed - blocking of '00:00:00' time stamps
for the start and end arguments
bReeze 0.1-0 (2012-07-26)
- This is the first version